The Benzene Report

Oil refineries are required by the US EPA to encircle their properties with air samplers. The samplers measure levels of benzene, a known carcinogen, in the ambient air. Refineries report two-week average benzene levels to the EPA every three months.

Benzene monitoring data from refineries can help nearby communities learn what they’re breathing, day in and day out. It can also help researchers learn about correlations between environmental exposures and illness, and disparities in pollution across racial groups, income levels, and geographic regions.

Here you can download refinery benzene data in .csv (spreadsheet-compatible) form. Use the drop-down menus to select the data you want. You can filter by refinery, state, or EPA region, as well as by date. Our database currently includes data from January 2018 until March 2021.

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To access our database with an API, click here. If you are interested in endpoints not currently included in the API, please contact us.
Our database consolidates data reported to the EPA by oil refineries in quarterly spreadsheets. For instructions on downloading the original spreadsheets, click here.